Surah AR rum is the 30th Surah of the Holy Quran. This Surah has a special feature in itself. Surah Rum literally means “THE ROMANS”. Surah al Rum also tells about this divine lesson. This Surah is very blessed. There are many benefits of reciting Surah Rum. This Surah was revealed in Mecca. Surah e Rum is important. Surah An Rum is a source of guidance for Muslims. All over the world, Muslims recite Surah al Rum with great faith and love. By reciting Surah e Rum, Muslims become closer to Allah.

Surah Ar Rum PDF In Arabic

Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic
Surah Ar Rum image text PDF in arabic

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Surah Al Rum English Translation

  1. Alif laam Meem
  2. (The people of) Rome were defeated 
  3.  In a nearby country and they will be overcome soon after being defeated 
  4. In a few years, God has decreed both before and after, and on that day the believers will be happy. 
  5. (i.e.) by the help of God.  He helps whom He wills, and He is Mighty (and) Merciful 
  6. (This) is God’s promise. God does not go against His promise, but most people do not know.
  7.  They know the outward life of the world.  And they are heedless of the Hereafter 
  8.  Have they not considered it in their hearts?  That God created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them with wisdom and for an appointed time.  And many people are not convinced of meeting their Lord 
  9. Had they not traveled in the country, they would have seen how those who were before them ended.  They were far superior to them in strength, and they tilled the earth and settled it more than they settled.  And their messengers kept coming to them with signs, so God was not such as to oppress them.  Rather, they used to wrong themselves. 
  10. Then those who did evil, their end was also bad because they kept denying God’s revelations and making fun of them 
  11. It is God who creates the creation for the first time, He will create it again, then to Him you will return.
  12. And on the Day of Resurrection, the sinners will be in despair. 
  13. And none of their (created) partners will be their intercessors, and they will disbelieve in their partners.
  14. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will become separate sects.
  15. So those who believe and do righteous deeds, they will be happy in the Garden (of Paradise) 
  16. And those who disbelieved and denied Our revelations and the coming of the Hereafter.  They will be punished. 
  17. So when it is evening and when it is morning glorify God (i.e. pray) 
  18. And to Him is praise in the heavens and the earth.  And also at the third hour and when it is noon (recite the prayer at that time also)
  19. He brings forth the living from the dead and (He) brings forth the dead from the living and (He) revives the earth after its death.  And thus you will be taken out (again from the earth) 
  20. And among His signs (and dispositions) is that He created you from clay.  Then now you have become human beings and are spreading freely.
  21. And among His signs (and dispositions) is that He created for you women of your own sex, so that you may find comfort in them (inclining) and He created in you love and kindness for those who consider their  For there are (many) signs in these things.
  22. And among His signs (and dispositions) is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the separation of your tongues and colors.  There are (many) signs in these (things) for the people of knowledge.
  23. And among His signs (and dispositions) is your sleeping by night and by day and seeking His grace.  There are (many) signs in these words for those who hear.
  24. And among His signs (and dispensations) is that He shows you lightning to give you fear and hope, and sends down rain from the sky.  Then He revives the earth after its death.  There are (many) signs in these (things) for those of understanding.
  25. And among His signs (and dispositions) is that the heavens and the earth are established by His command.  Then when He calls you (to come out) from the earth, you will go out in a flash.
  26. And in the heavens and the earth (as many angels and men, etc.) are His (Mamluks) (and) all are obedient to Him.
  27. And He is the One who created creation for the first time, then He will create it again.  And it’s that simple.  And His glory is high in the heavens and the earth.  And He is the Mighty in Wisdom.
  28. He narrates for you an example of your own condition, that those (slaves) you own are your partners in the (wealth) that We have bestowed upon you, and (do) you share in it (them)? 
  29. But those who are unjust follow their desires without understanding, so who can guide whomever God leads astray?  And they have no helper (29)
  30.  So turn aside and keep your faces straight on the religion (the path of God) (and) follow the nature of God on which He has created people.  This is the straight religion, but most people do not know it.
  31.  (Believers) turn to Him (God) and fear Him and pray and do not be among the polytheists.
  32.  (And not) (to be) among those who divided their religion into pieces and (themselves) became sects.  All sects are happy with what they have.
  33.  And when people suffer, they call upon their Lord and turn to Him.  Then when He gives them a taste of His mercy, a group of them starts to associate partners with their Lord.
  34. So that they may be ungrateful of what We have bestowed upon them, so reap the (good) benefits; soon you will know (its end).
  35.  Have We sent down to them any proof that shows them associating partners with God?
  36. And when We make the people taste the taste of Our mercy, they are happy with it, and if any of their deeds which their hands have sent forward are brought to ruin, then they are left in despair.
  37. Have they not seen that God bestows sustenance on whomever He wills and restricts it (for whomever He wills)?  Verily in it are signs for those who believe.
  38. So keep giving their right to the relatives, the needy and the travelers.  It is better for those who seek God’s pleasure.  And these are the ones who will be saved 
  39.  And whoever you give usury so that people’s wealth may increase, it does not increase in God’s sight, and whoever you give alms and seek God’s pleasure from it, then (he is a source of blessings and) such people.  There are those who divide their wealth by two, three or three. 
  40.  It is God who created you, then provided for you, then will kill you.  Then he will revive.  Well, there is someone among your (created) partners who can do some of these things.  Glorified is He and (His glory) is higher than His partners.
  41. Mischief has spread because of the deeds of the people in the land and in the desert, so that God may make them taste some of their deeds; no wonder they turn away.
  42.  Say: Let’s travel in the country and see what happened to those who came before you.  Most of them were polytheists.
  43.  So before the day that will come from God and will not be able to stop, walk with straight faces on (the path of religion).
  44. Whoever disbelieves, the harm of his disbelief belongs to him, and whoever does good deeds, such people prepare a resting place for themselves.
  45. God will reward those who believe and do good deeds.  Indeed, He does not befriend the disbelievers.
  46. And among His signs is that He sends the winds to give you glad tidings, so that you may taste the pleasures of His mercy, and that the ships may sail by His command, and that you may seek (sustenance) from His grace. No wonder you are thankful. 
  47. And We sent Messengers before you to their people, and they brought them signs, so We left those who disobeyed with vengeance, and the help of the believers was obligatory upon Us.
  48. It is God who directs the winds, so they raise the clouds.  Then God spreads it in the sky as He wills and spreads it out, then you see that rain starts coming out of it.  become
  49. And most of them were despairing before the rain came down. 
  50.  So (O seers) look at the signs of God’s mercy, how He revives the earth after its death.  Verily, He is the One who revives the dead.  And He is Able to do all things.
  51. And if We send such a wind that they see the field (that it has turned) yellow, then they will be ungrateful after that.
  52. So you cannot hear the dead, nor can you hear the deaf when they turn their backs. 
  53. And you cannot guide the blind from their error.  You can only listen to those who believe in Our revelations, so they are the obedient ones.
  54. It is God who created you (in the beginning) in a state of weakness, then after weakness He gave you strength, then after strength He gave you weakness and old age.  He creates what He wills, and He is All-Wise and All-Powerful.
  55. And on the Day of Resurrection, the sinners will swear that they had not lived (in this world) for more than an hour.  In the same way they used to turn back (from the path).
  56. And those who were given knowledge and faith will say that according to the Book of God you lived until the Day of Resurrection.  And this is the Day of Resurrection, but you did not believe in it.
  57. So, on that Day, their excuses will not benefit the wrongdoers, nor will their repentance be accepted.
  58. And We have explained all kinds of examples in this Qur’an for people (to understand), and if you present before them a sign, these disbelievers will say that you are liars.
  59. Similarly, God seals the hearts of those who do not understand.
  60. So be patient, surely God’s promise is true, and (see) those who do not believe, do not make you arrogant.

Masha Allah, congratulations, You have recited Surah Rum. If you want to read Surah Qasas click here.

Surah e Rum Benefits

Surah al Rum has a lot of importance (Surah e Rom ki fazilat in Hadees). Here we read its benefits.

Surah Ar Rum
  • If a person has an urgent need, he should recite Surah Ar Rum every day for seven days. If Allah wills, then the need will be fulfilled.
  • If a person writes this surah on a page and keeps it in his house, that house will be protected from snakes and scorpions.
  • Reciting this surah creates love for others in the heart of a Muslim.
Surah Ar RumDetails
Verses (Ayat)60
Surah Rum Holy Quran

Surat e Rum Video

Surat Rum (ki) Tilawat Learn online

Surah Al Rum was revealed in Mecca. 

21  juz.


60 verses.

Islam Check List 2

As you have read in this post of Surah Rum full-text image PDF in Arabic with English Translation and listen to Surah e Rum audio mp3 and you can also download Surah Ar Rum PDF and audio to learn, read, and hear it online. You can also read Surah Rum’s Benefits and Significance. All the Surahs of the Quran are available on our website. You can find Surah on it. If you want to read Surah Yaseen, click here.

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