Full Surah Al Kahf Read Online
Surah Kahf is the 18th Surah of the Holy Quran. Muslims all over the world read Surah al Kahf with great faith. Surah e Kahf is an exemplary Surah of the Holy Quran. Every Muslim should read this Surah. It contains many stories from which we learn a lot about life. A very good story is that It belongs to the gardens of two people. This Surah is an excellent source of faith and light. Every Muslim should recite Surah Kahf, understand it, and implement it in real life. It strengthens the Muslim’s relationship with Allah. Quran saves from misfortune. Surah Kahf was revealed in Mecca.
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Surah Kahf English Translation
- All praise is due to God who revealed (this book) to His servant (Muhammad) and did not put any twist (and complexity) in it
- Straight (and brought down) to warn the people of the severe punishment that is (coming) from him and to give glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds that for them is a good reward (i.e. Paradise).
- In which they will live forever
- And warn those who say that God has made (someone) a son
- They have no knowledge of this and neither did their fathers. (It is) a harsh thing that comes out of their mouths (and there is no doubt) that what they say is just a lie
- (O Prophet) If they do not believe in this word, perhaps they will grieve behind you and kill you.
- We have made whatever is on the earth an adornment for the earth to test the people as to who among them will do good deeds
- And whatever is on the earth We will make it a barren field
- Do you think that the people of the cave and the tablet were strange among our signs?
- When those youths were going to the cave, they said, “O our Lord, shower mercy on us from Your presence.” And by providing (goods for) our work
- So We covered their ears for many years in the cave.
- Then they were woken up to find out who of the two parties remembered the amount of time they stayed (in the cave).
- We explain their situation to you correctly. They were many youths who believed in their Lord and We gave them more guidance
- And strengthened their hearts. When they stood up, they said: Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will not call anyone as a god except him (if we did that), then we said something far from reason.
- These people of our nation have made other gods besides him. Why don’t they bring any clear argument about him (being God). So who is more unjust than he who slanders God?
- And when you have turned away from them (polytheists) and those whom they worship besides God, then stay in the cave, your Lord will extend His mercy to you and ease your deeds
- And when the sun rose, you saw that it (the sun) went down to the right of their cave, and when it set, it went away from them to the left, and they were in its field. These are from the signs of God. Whomsoever God guides, He is the Guide, and whomsoever He sends astray, you will find no friend to guide him.
- And you think them awake even though they sleep. And we used to rotate them right and left. And his dog was stretched out both hands on the frame. If you had looked at them, you would have turned your back and run away and would have been terrified of them
- And so we raised them to explore each other. A speaker said: How long have you stayed (here)? A day or less, he said. He said that your Lord knows best how long you have lived. So send one of your number to the city to see what the delicious food is, then bring food from it and let it come slowly and do not tell anyone about your condition.
- If they get hold of you, they will stone you or convert you to their religion, and then you will never prosper.
- And thus We warned (the people) of their (predicament) so that they may know that God’s promise is true and that there is no doubt about the Resurrection (which is promised). At that time people started arguing about them and said to build a building over them (the cave). Their Lord is well aware of them. Those who were dominant in their case said: We will build a mosque over them (the cave).
- (Some people) Atkal Pichu will say that there were three of them (and) the fourth was their dog. And (some) will say that they were five and the sixth was their dog. And (some) will say that they were seven and the eighth was their dog. Say, “My Lord is well aware of their number, even if only a few people (know) them, then you should not talk about them (about them) except for a brief conversation.” And not to inquire about them from any of them
- And do not say about any work that I will do it tomorrow
- But by saying (Inshallah, i.e. if God wills), then (I will do it) and when you forget to mention God’s name, remember it. And say: I hope that my Lord will tell me more guidance than this
- And the Companions of the Cave stayed in their cave for nine to three hundred years
- Say that God knows best how long he will stay. He knows the hidden things of the heavens and the earth. He is a good seer and a good listener. He has no partner except Him, and He does not associate anyone with His orders
- And read the Book of your Lord which is sent down to you. No one can change his words. And apart from it you will not find a place of refuge
- And those who call upon their Lord morning and evening and seek His pleasure. Be patient along with them. And don’t let your eyes run between them (passing and towards) so that you become a suitor of the adornment of the world of life. And whose heart We have made forgetful of Our remembrance, and he follows his own desire, and his deed exceeds the limit, do not obey him.
- And say: (People) this Qur’an is the truth from your Lord, so whoever wants to believe and whoever wants to disbelieve. We have prepared for the wrongdoers the Fire of Hell, the gates of which will surround them. And if they cry, they will be treated with such boiling water (which will be) as hot as molten copper (and which will) roast their mouths.
- (And) those who believe and do righteous deeds, We do not waste the reward of the righteous
- For such a people are gardens of everlasting abiding, with rivers flowing beneath them, they will wear bracelets of gold, and they will be clothed with fine lamps and green garments of atlas (and) reclining on couches. Will do sitting down. (What) is a good reward and (what) a good resting place
- And narrate to them the case of two people, one of whom We granted two vineyards and planted date-palm trees around them and cultivated fields between them.
- Both gardens bear fruit (abundantly). And there was no shortage in it (its production) and We had also made a canal in both of them
- And (in this way) this (person) was (getting) (their) produce, so (one day) while he was talking to his friend, he said, “I am more than you in wealth and wealth.” and Jamaat) are also more respectable
- And he entered his garden, oppressing himself with (such boastings). He said that I do not think that this garden will ever be destroyed
- And I don’t think that there will be a doomsday. And even if I am returned to my Lord, I will surely find a place better than Him
- So his friend who was talking to him said, “Do you disbelieve in Him (God) who created you from dust, then from a sperm, then made you a full man?”
- But I say that God is my Lord and I do not associate anyone with my Lord
- And (well) when you entered your garden, why didn’t you say MashaAllah laquwa al-Iblallah? If you see me inferior to you in wealth and children
- So it is not surprising that my Lord gives me better than your garden and sends disaster on it (your garden) from the sky so that it becomes a clean field.
- Or if the water (of the canal) becomes deep, then do not bring it
- And its fruits were afflicted with punishment and they fell on their umbrellas. So he started touching the money he had spent on it (regretfully) and said: I wish I had not associated anyone with my Lord.
- (At that time) no party but God could help him, nor could he take revenge
- Here (proved that) the government belongs to God alone. His reward is better and (his) reward is good
- And explain to them the example of the life of the world (it is like) water which We send down from the sky. So the earth’s crust was mixed with it. Then it became dust as the winds blew it around. And God has power over everything
- Wealth and sons are the adornment of the life of this world. And the good deeds that remain are very good with your Lord in terms of reward and much better in terms of hope
- And on the day when We will move the mountains and you will see the land a clear plain and We will gather them (people), then We will not leave any of them.
- And they will all be brought in front of your Lord in a row (so We will say to them) just as We created you the first time (so today) you came before Us, but you thought that That We have not fixed any time (of Resurrection) for you
- And the book (of deeds) will be (opened) and you will see the sinners who will be afraid of what will be (written) in it and will say, O Shammat, what kind of book is this that does not leave out even a small matter. Not the big one. (Not at all) but has written it down. And all those who have performed will be present. And your Lord will not wrong anyone
- And when We commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam, they all prostrated, but Iblis (did not), he was one of the jinn, so he disobeyed the command of his Lord. Do you make him and his offspring friends besides me? Although they are your enemies (and Satan’s friendship) is a bad reward for the wrongdoers
- I did not call them when I created the heavens and the earth, nor when I created them. And I was not such as to help those who go astray
- And on the Day when God will say: (Now) call my partners about whom you had presumptions (divinity), then they will call them, but they will not answer them. And We will make a place of slaughter in their midst
- And when sinners see hell, they will believe that they are going to enter it. And there will be no way to avoid it
- And We have explained various examples in this Qur’an for people to understand. But man is quarrelsome above all things
- And when the guidance came to the people, what prevented them from believing? And ask your God for forgiveness. Except that (waiting for) something similar to the previous ones to happen to them, or a chastisement befalling them.
- And We who send the messengers only to give glad tidings (of God’s bounties to people) and to warn them (of punishment). And those who disbelieve contend with falsehood in order to make the truth slip from it, and they make a mockery of Our revelations and that with which they are warned.
- And who is more unjust than him who was instructed by the words of his Lord, so he turned away from him. And he forgot what he had done before. We veiled their hearts so that they could not understand it. And heaviness in the ears (created so that they cannot hear) and if you call them to the way, they will never come to the way.
- And your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful. If they start to catch them for their deeds, then send a quick punishment on them. But there is a time (fixed) for them that they will not find any place of refuge from its punishment
- And these settlements (which are desolate) when they transgressed (in disbelief), We destroyed them. And a time was fixed for their destruction
- And when Moses said to his disciple, “I will not move until I reach the meeting place of two rivers, even if I walk for years.”
- When he reached their meeting place, he forgot his fish, so he made his way like a tunnel in the river
- When he went forward, he (Moses) said to his disciple: Bring us food. We are very excited about this trip
- (He) said, “Did you see that when we rested with the stone, I forgot the fish (there)?” And Satan forgot to mention it to me (to you). And he miraculously made his way into the river
- (Moses) said, “This is (the place) that we used to look for, so they returned seeing their footprints.”
- (There) they saw a servant of Ours upon whom We had bestowed mercy (i.e. prophethood or blessing) from Ourselves and had given knowledge from Ourselves.
- Musa said to them (whose name was Khidr): If you teach me some good (things) of the knowledge (from God) that you have been taught, then I will stay with you.
- (Khidr) said that you will not be able to be patient with me
- And why can you be patient about what you do not know
- (Moses) said, “If God wills, you will find me patient.” And I will not go against your saying
- (Khidr) said: If you want to stay with me, (the condition is) do not ask me anything until I myself mention it to you.
- So both went. Even when they got into the boat, (Khidr) tore the boat apart. (Moses) said: Did you tear it so as to drown the riders?
- (Khidr) said. Did I not say that you will not be patient with me?
- (Moses) said: Do not impeach me for what I have forgotten, and do not make it difficult for me in my matter.
- Then both go. Even when (Khidr) met a boy (on the way), he killed him. (Moses) said that you killed an innocent person unjustly without retribution. (So) you spoke badly
- (Khidr) said, “Didn’t I say that you will not be patient with me?”
- He said, “If I ask (again) anything after that, then you will not keep me with you that you have reached an excuse (to accept) on my behalf.”
- Then both go. One even approached the villagers and asked them for food. He refused to give them a banquet. Then they saw there a wall that wanted to (bend) down. Khader turned it upright. Musa said: If you wish, you could have paid them (for it) (so that the food would work).
- Khizr said: Now, separation between me and you. (But) I will tell you the secrets of those things which you could not endure
- (That the) boat (was) of poor people who used to work (by driving boats) in the river. And in front of them was a king who used to seize every boat by force, so I wanted to make him defective (so that he could not usurp it).
- And when he was a boy, his parents were believers during those days, and we feared that (in case he grew up to be wicked) he would not trap them in disobedience and disbelief.
- So we wanted their Lord to give them another (child) in his place, who is better than him in purity and love.
- And that wall belonged to two orphan boys (who lived) in the city, and their treasure was (buried) under it, and their father was a fortunate man. So your Lord willed that they reach their youth and (then) bring out their treasure. It is the blessing of your creator. And I did not do this on my own. This is the secret of those things which you cannot bear
- And we ask you about Dhul-Qarnain. Say that I will read some of it to you
- We gave him a large reach in the land and provided him with all kinds of goods
- So he made a provision (for the journey).
- Even when he reached the place where the sun was setting, he found him drowning in a river of mud and saw a people beside it (the river). We said Zulqarnain! Whether you cause them pain or be kind to them (in both cases).
- Dhul-Qarnain said: We will punish him who commits injustice (by disbelief and wickedness). Then (when) he is returned to his Lord, He will also punish him badly
- And whoever believes and does good deeds has a great reward. And in our case we will (not impose any harshness on him but) speak to him gently
- Then he did another thing (of travel).
- Even when he reached the place where the sun rises, he saw that it rises over people for whom We had not made an oat on this side of the sun.
- (The reality) was like this and we were all aware of what he had
- Then he did one more thing
- Even when he reached between the two walls, he saw that there were some people on their side who could not understand what was being said
- “Zulqarnain!” these people said Gog and Magog are wreaking havoc in the land. Shall we spend for you to build a wall between us and them?
- Zul-Qarnain said that the spending power that God has given me is very good. You help me with strength (arm). I will make a strong barrier between you and them
- So you bring (huge) planks of iron (so the work was carried on) until he leveled (the part of) between the two mountains. And said that (now deceive him). Even when he had set it on fire, he said, “Bring me copper so that I may melt it.”
- Then they didn’t have the strength to climb it and they didn’t have the strength to make a tunnel in it
- He said that this is a blessing of my GOD. When the promise of my Lord comes to you, He will make it smooth, and the promise of my Lord is true.
- (On that Day) We will leave them (spreading over the earth) intermingling with each other, and when the Trumpet is blown, We will gather them all together.
- And on that day they will bring hell before the disbelievers
- Whose eyes were veiled from my memory and they had no power to hear
- Do the disbelievers think that they will make Our servants (their) servants besides Us (then We will not be surprised) We have prepared for (such) disbelievers the (feast) of Hell.
- Say that we inform you of those who are in great loss in terms of actions
- Those whose efforts in the life of this world have been wasted. And they are supposed to be doing good
- These are the people who rejected the revelations of their Lord and going before Him, so their deeds were wasted and We will not establish any weight for them on the Day of Resurrection.
- This is their punishment (i.e.) Hell. Because they disbelieved and mocked our verses and our prophets
- For those who believe and do good deeds, the Gardens of Paradise will be a place of hospitality
- Will always live in them and will not want to change house from there
- Say: If the sea were ink for (writing) the words of my Lord, then the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were finished, even if we brought it (the sea) to its aid.
- Say I’m your man. (Of course) revelation comes to me that your god is (the same) one god. So whoever hopes to meet his Lord should do good deeds and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord
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Surah e Kahf Benefits
Surah Kahf has a lot of importance (Surah Kahf ki fazilat in Hadees). Here we read its benefits.
Surah e Kahf | Details |
Para | 15-16 |
Surah | 18th |
Ruku | 12 |
Verses (Ayat) | 110 |
Words | 1742 |
Letters | 6482 |
Surah e Kahf Video
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